Friday, March 11, 2011

So far behind

Yes yes it seems all my blog posts lately are self apologising for being behind, busy and lazy. This challenge is a typical example of just how behind I've managed to get. I started this weeks ago... no idea now what challenge it was for LOL erm so yey at least it's done! I do remember it was a challenge around blending... heh

Kate xo

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Digital Whisper - Introspection Challenge

I always seem to be a week or two behind with my challenges lately grrrrr... this was put up weeks ago, started it, left it and went back to it. Challenge at Digital Whisper called Introspection - given the lady image and left to our own devices! Heres mine

Will my love of Turquoise ever cease?


I have a new blog

If any of my digital challenge friends are interested in interiors and general designy stuff - I've created a new blog, which I plan to use as my web haven for all things interior.

I'm a Graphic Designer (as some of you know) but work in the furniture industry and am luckily exposed to all kinds of yummy furnishings and designery stuff, so I thought I needed a blog to share more of my creative frustrations with the world!

Kate xo